Este domingo se cumplen dos meses desde el inicio de la guerra en Ucrania. Tres días después de reconocer la independencia de Donetsk y de Lugansk, Vladimir Putin anunció el 24 de febrero el inicio de una "operación militar especial" y a las pocas horas cayeron las primeras bombas sobre Kiev y Járkov.
Dos meses después, el conflicto continúa intensificándose en la zona este del país y hay ciudades como Mariúpol totalmente arrasadas y otras como Bucha cuyas imágenes de cadáveres y destrucción han dado la vuelta al mundo. Según los datos del Gobierno ucraniano de esta semana, han muerto cerca de 5.000 ucranianos, 2.000 de ellos civiles y entre l0s que hay cerca de 200 niños. Además, hay unos 7.000 edificios destruidos por las bombas rusas.
A continuación, una galería con las imágenes del antes y el después de la guerra en algunas de las ciudades más importantes de Ucrania:

Mariupol (Ukraine), 12/04/2022.- A picture taken during a visit to Mariupol organized by the Russian military shows a Russian serviceman securing the area inside the destroyed Drama Theatre in Mariupol, Ukraine, 12 April 2022. At least 300 people died after a Russian airstrike on the Drama Theatre of Mariupol on 16 March, the Donetsk Regional State Administration sai whereas the Russian Defence Ministry denies the airstike and claims the theatre was blown up by the Azov battalion. Some 133,214 people, including two thousand people over the past day, left Mariupol through the gum corridor in the eastern direction, according to the head of the Russian National Defense Control Center. (Rusia, Ucrania, Estados Unidos) EFE/EPA/SERGEI ILNITSKY
Un soldado ruso entre las ruinas del teatro de Mariúpol bombardeado por Rusia

Mariupol (Ukraine), 12/04/2022.- A picture taken during a visit to Mariupol organized by the Russian military shows Russian servicemen prepare for guard in downtown of Mariupol, Ukraine, 12 April 2022. For more than a month, hostilities have continued in the city. There is no water, electricity, gas or communications. Shops, pharmacies and hospitals are closed. 250 thousand inhabitants left the city, about 300 thousand still remain. During the hostilities, up to 70 percent of the housing stock of Mariupol was destroyed and five thousand residents of the city was killed said the new mayor of the city Konstantin Ivashchenko. On 24 February Russian troops had entered Ukrainian territory in what the Russian president declared a 'special military operation', resulting in fighting and destruction in the country, a huge flow of refugees, and multiple sanctions against Russia. (Rusia, Ucrania, Estados Unidos) EFE/EPA/SERGEI ILNITSKY
Un soldado contempla la destrucción de un edificio.

MARIUPOL, April 11, 2022 -- Residents are seen near a damaged building in Mariupol, April 10, 2022.,Image: 682001940, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: V Ictor / Xinhua News / ContactoPhoto Editorial licence valid only for Spain and 3 MONTHS from the date of the image, then delete it from your archive. For non-editorial and non-licensed use, please contact EUROPA PRESS. 11/4/2022 ONLY FOR USE IN SPAIN

02 April 2022, Ukraine, Bucha: A dead civilian is seen on a road in Bucha, 20 km outside the capital Kiev. Nearly 300 civilians were killed along the road in Bucha. Most of the victims were trying to cross the Buchanka River to enter Ukrainian-controlled territory. Photo: Mykhaylo Palinchak/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/dpa Mykhaylo Palinchak/SOPA Images v / DPA 02/4/2022 ONLY FOR USE IN SPAIN

Bucha (Ukraine), 06/04/2022.- Vladyslava Liubarets (C), a Bucha resident, walks with her family past destroyed Russian military machinery, to meet her sister whom she did not see since the beginning of the Russian invasion, in Bucha, the town which was retaken by the Ukrainian army, northwest of Kyiv, Ukraine, 06 April 2022. Hundreds of tortured and killed civilians have been found in Bucha and other parts of the Kyiv region after the Russian army retreated from those areas. Russian troops entered Ukraine on 24 February resulting in fighting and destruction in the country, and triggering a series of severe economic sanctions on Russia by Western countries. (Rusia, Ucrania) EFE/EPA/ROMAN PILIPEY
Residentes de Bucha, al norte de Kiev, pasean entre tanques destruidos

-FOTODELDÍA- KIEV, 03/04/2022.- El cuerpo de un hombre muerto yace en la carretera en la ciudad de Bucha, cerca de Kiev este domingo. Algunas ciudades y pueblos que rodean a la capital han sido recuperados recientemente de las fuerzas rusas por el ejército ucraniano. El 24 de febrero las tropas rusas entraron en territorio ucraniano y el presidente ruso declaro una "operación militar especial", desembocando en enfrentamientos y destrucciones en el país, una huida de refugiados y múltiples sanciones contra Rusia. EFE/ Oleksandr Ratushniak ATENCIÓN: CONTENIDO GRÁFICO

March 23, 2022, Mariupol, Ukraine: A line of buses placed by Ukrainian Azov Battalion defenders to impede the advance of Russian / pro-Russian forces as they fight deeper into the city. The battle between Russian / Pro Russian forces and the defencing Ukrainian forces lead by Azov battalion continues in the port city of Mariupol.,Image: 672680548, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Maximilian Clarke / Zuma Press / ContactoPhoto Editorial licence valid only for Spain and 3 MONTHS from the date of the image, then delete it from your archive. For non-editorial and non-licensed use, please contact EUROPA PRESS. 23/3/2022 ONLY FOR USE IN SPAIN

21 March 2022, Ukraine, Kiev: A police officer stands near the wreckage of a damaged shopping mall in the Podilskyi district of Kiev following a Russian airstrike. Local media have reported that the attack has caused 4 deaths. Photo: Daniel Ceng Shou-Yi/ZUMA Press Wire/dpa Daniel Ceng Shou-Yi/ZUMA Press W / DPA 21/3/2022 ONLY FOR USE IN SPAIN
Centro comercial destruido en Kiev.

Moscow (Russian Federation), 18/03/2022.- Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a concert marking the 8th anniversary of Crimea's reunification with Russia at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow, Russia, 18 March 2022. Russia in 2014 annexed the Black Sea peninsula, shortly after Crimeans voted in a disputed referendum to secede from Ukraine. (Rusia, Ucrania, Moscú) EFE/EPA/RAMIL SITDIKOV / SPUTNIK POOL MANDATORY CREDIT

07/03/2022. Siret; Rumania Se calcula que un milln y medio de nios y nias han huido de Ucrania desde el inicio de la guerra. Aunque la mayora lo hacen acompaados de sus familias, nos encontramos cada vez ms casos de nios y nias que viajan solos o acompaados por adultos que no son oficialmente sus tutores o responsables parentales. Y sabemos que en estos contextos de emergencias humanitarias son quienes corren ms riesgo de caer en manos de redes de trata con fines de explotacin. Por ello, Save the Children considera necesario priorizar la proteccin a la infancia asegurando el cumplimiento de sus derechos. © Pedro Armestre/ Save the Children
Paso fronterizo de Siret

09 March 2022, Ukraine, Irpin: Servicemen carry a stretcher with a wounded person, during the evacuation of residents in Irpin. People have to abandon their homes as Russian troops are bombing the city. Photo: Mykhaylo Palinchak/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/dpa Mykhaylo Palinchak/SOPA Images v / DPA 09/3/2022 ONLY FOR USE IN SPAIN

Chisinau (Moldova, Republic Of), 06/03/2022.- People sit in a sports hall that was transformed into a huge bedroom where over 500 people of Roma ethnicity who fled from Ukraine found shelter, in Chisinau, Moldova, 06 March 2022. Russian troops entered Ukraine on 24 February for a 'special military operation,' leading to a massive exodus of Ukrainians to neighboring countries as well as internal displacements. (Moldavia, Rusia, Ucrania) EFE/EPA/CIRO FUSCO
La gente se sienta en un polideportivo donde encontraron refugio más de 500 personas de etnia romaní que huyeron de Ucrania, en Chisinau

-FOTODELDIA- EA4018. CHELM (POLONIA), 02/03/2022.- Refugiados de Ucrania esperan en la estación de tren de Chelm, desde donde tomarán un tren especial a Varsovia, Polonia, el 02 de marzo de 2022. Las tropas rusas entraron en Ucrania el 24 de febrero provocando el presidente para declarar la ley marcial y desencadenar una serie de anuncios por parte de los países occidentales para imponer varias sanciones económicas a Rusia. EFE/ Bartlomiej Wojtowicz
Refugiados de Ucrania esperan en la estación de tren de Chelm
Un cadáver y un tanque en las inmediaciones de Járkov
Bloque residencial tras un bombardeo en Kiev
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